The solution for Nutrition and Dietetics automation.
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The project had 2 main goals:

• to increase the client base by attracting the remote patients (patients, who could get consultations and remote treatment);

• to reduce the daily routine of a doctor by automating the data entry and its analyses. In addition to increase client loyalty by bringing innovations to the whole network.


In order to use the most objective information about food products (composition and energy value) the relevant data bases were integrated into the service. They included information about product compatibility and substitutability that were gathered by the specialized organizations. Moreover, the service also had an advanced automated algorithm, which helped to calculate the vital number of calories for the user (personal calculation was based on the user’s data about height and weight, lifestyle, etc.)


Except for app’s collaboration with Apple Healthkit and Google Fit apps, we developed our own algorithm for activity analyses to calculate more precise and individually spent energy.


The project had 2 main goals:

• to increase the client base by attracting the remote patients (patients, who could get consultations and remote treatment);

• to reduce the daily routine of a doctor by automating the data entry and its analyses. In addition to increase client loyalty by bringing innovations to the whole network.


In order to use the most objective information about food products (composition and energy value) the relevant data bases were integrated into the service. They included information about product compatibility and substitutability that were gathered by the specialized organizations. Moreover, the service also had an advanced automated algorithm, which helped to calculate the vital number of calories for the user (personal calculation was based on the user’s data about height and weight, lifestyle, etc.)


Except for app’s collaboration with Apple Healthkit and Google Fit apps, we developed our own algorithm for activity analyses to calculate more precise and individually spent energy.

A business control panel

• support service;

• clinic management;

• doctors control;

• a list of patients;

• tariff management system;

• implementation of standardized treatment protocols;

• implementation of common menu types;

• reporting.

Doctor’s working account

• doctor’s list of patients;

• a list of patients who currently receive treatment;

• a mechanism of inviting the new patients (remote patients and cooperation with offline patients);

• protocol treatment adaptation for an individual patient;

• menu adaptation for patient;

• telemedicine (remote consultations: chatting and calling);

• secure handover of medical tests between a patient and a doctor;

• reporting.

Mobile applications

• registration and working with invitations;

• setting goals of medical treatment, program selection;

• consultation with a doctor: chatting and calling;

• secure handover of the medical tests and other documents between a doctor and a patient;

• a user-friendly mechanism of recording the food intake;

• a convenient mechanism of controlling the activity, including the integration with wearable gadgets and data sync with Apple HealthKit and Google Fit;

• the data visualization for comfortable perception of the healing process;

• menus, meal options, compatible and substitutable products.


• a convenient mechanism for reminding;

• easy to use mechanism for fast data entry (without app running).